Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Picket the Picketers

Just a heads up -- the psychos at God Hates Fags are now focusing their wrath on the war in Iraq. Except they believe all US soldiers are fags and are now picketing the funerals of deceased armed services members. GHF's new mantra is "We've turned America over to fags; Now they're coming home in body bags."
Check for a list of their picketing schedule. If you see that one is happening near you, get some friends together and see if you can keep them as far away from the funeral services as possible. I'm not advocating violence here or anything, maybe just a human shield or something. Do protesters even do those anymore? I feel like I haven't seen a good, solid human shield in the media since the advent of AIDS. Then again, maybe I'm too busy watching Gossip Girl to check out CNN.
So gay!!!! Jesus.

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