Saturday, August 23, 2008

"Kindness is just love with its work boots on."

I saw "The House Bunny" this morning and cried, like, seven different times. And not out of laughter. Don't get me wrong, it was funny, but seriously, this is why I have so much gay shame. And why I miss opiates so much. I have so many FEELINGS now and they just keep popping out at really inappropriate moments. Who the fuck bursts into tears when someone utters the words in the headline above??


Anonymous said...

I saw it as well. And no, you are bot stupid. That happens to me as well. There are times when I will just cry when I see or hear something thoughtful and caring. Something that touches my inner soul. It's not crazy, it is rather truthful and sensitive. Take care.

Anonymous said...

This line is actually a very Buddhist sentiment, so I don't think it's stupid at all that it moved you.

Unknown said...

What is the difference if you are happy or you are sad? Honor that you are feeling... I cry at the drop of a line too