Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Stipe Joint

I'm a little weirded out about how much Michael Stipe's apartment looks like my new place, right down to the big white statue. But I got to say, I think my place is totally better! I have cooler art and a much better layout. Michael lives there with his boyfriend Thomas Dozol, who was just incredible in his role as the waiter in American Psycho 2: All American Girl.

Sorry, That was bitchy. I'm just jealous because I've had an inexplicable crush on Stipe since I was in college.


Anonymous said...

that statue is a little freaky for some gay guys to own..kinda sick almost!

Heatherette said...

I should totally set you up with my friend Nathan who won "Top Design" and looks like Stipe. He's waaaay funnier than Stipe anyway.

Anonymous said...

woahwoahwoah how strange is it that i showed you shelby's site tonight? then after we log off, i continued looking through the photo collections, saw this house and thought of your horse when i saw his statue. your apartment is way more magic. his looks so.....sterile

***that was me anonymously loving your broken chanel above toooo