Friday, January 9, 2009

SO Late To The Game With This One

But since it's mostly just my friends who read this, I know it will be news for you guys. You are all aware that I have an unhealthy obsession with both Princess Leia and Jabba the Hutt. So I didn't care at all when that cartoon movie The Clone Wars came out because obviously neither of those characters would be in it, right?
Wrong! No Leia, but the movie was all about Jabba, Jabba's BABY SON and Jabba's GAY UNCLE!!!!!!
How come NO ONE told me about this? The uncle wears feathers on his head, body make-up and talks just like Truman Capote!! The baby is nicknamed Stinky and looks like a small pile of elephant poop with big eyes!
I can't even type anymore because I need to start searching online for toys of these characters immediately.

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