Monday, January 19, 2009

Are You Sure?

The writer wrote to me last week, with the speech about how he really meant it when he said he hoped we could be friends. Everyone gets this email at some point, right? So I told him I was cool with that (which I am) but that I needed to come clean to him about something, so I admitted that I stole pills from his medicine cabinet while we were dating. I think he was more surprised that he actually HAD pills in there, he'd forgotten about them. He politely thanked me for telling the truth and that was the last I heard, so I'm guessing the offer of friendship is off the table.
I don't blame him, but it still sucks.
I'll be watching the inauguration at Sunshine tomorrow, my friend who works there is sneaking me in since it's supposed to be a madhouse. In other weekend news, I baked my first apple pie. It came out as crunchy apple soup with a burnt top and a soggy bottom. I also had lots of much-needed sleepovers with a friend. No sex, just intense cuddling. Our restraint was commendable. But lord it felt good to be held.

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