Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Darlin' Don't You Go and Cut Yer Hair..

I did anyway. Except that I don't know how to use scissors, I've always used a straight razor. It used to work out great for me in the 90s, but I was scared of how it would come out this time since it's been so long.
I gotta say, not bad. At least in the front and on the sides. I'm still too scared to check out what the back looks like since I didn't use a mirror and I could feel myself going a little ballistic back there. Thank god for my collection of 143 hats, until I actually come into contact with a human being who I know and trust. I've been in lockdown, writing and sending out galleys with notes attached, praying for blurbs. And I gotta say, the ghostwriting is actually coming along well. The big turning point was when I realized I can use his basic life as a framework, and then make up whatever the hell else I want. I've clocked 6,000 words in the last four days, I am just going to bang this fucker out as fast as I can.

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