Sunday, December 7, 2008

Dog Fight Rescue Mission?

Anybody else read this article on dog fighting in today's Times? The article states that one of the reasons why police have a hard time taking these rings down is because they can't find the yards where the pit bulls are raised. Well, I know where a pitbull dog yard is. And I know that the local police in the town where it is know about it, but refuse to do anything about it. I assume because members of the force are probably in on it (I'm not being paranoid, we're talking about a small, really fucked up town where the police have been called many times about this yard and NOTHING has been done about it).
Anyone interested in staging a secret rescue mission? I've wanted to to do this ever since I discovered the yard but I need partners. Preferably ones who are dog experts and have a few pairs of night vision goggles and tranquilizer darts laying around. The pen is in the woods behind a house, so there is some cover if you come up to it from behind. But we'd need a way to safely put the dogs to sleep from afar in order to get close enough without them alerting the owners by having them freak out.
I'm totally serious about this. Or even better, if anyone knows about any underground animal liberation fronts PLEASE send them my way or even just forward this post to understanding parties.

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