Saturday, October 18, 2008


Did you know that Randy Travis is gay? I didn't. But my father swears it's true. Which is weird, because Randy Travis also looks like my dad. And speaking even more of my dad, Gawker has been all over that cult he joined when I was kid, MSIA, because Arianna Huffington is also tight with John-Roger. JR is the one who predicted, on tape, that I was going to be a prophet when I grew up. I'm going to look for that book JR wrote that my dad gave me, "Manual on Using The Light" and scan some pics to post here. It's pretty priceless, The Light is represented by a stick-drawing version of a star that comes to help stick drawings of kids when they are in trouble. It also talks about how The Light is manifested by the god Sugmad.
Stay Tuned!

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