Tuesday, October 14, 2008

R.I.P. Bela

Feline Infectious Peritonitis took Bela from me this morning. The symptoms came on fast and furious -- in the middle of the night he woke me up, crying. I thought he was hungry so I lifted him from my side and put him on the floor so we could go get some food. His legs collapsed. He kept trying to stand but he had lost all control of them. It was two in the morning, I stupidly thought his legs had just fallen asleep so I carried him to his food bowl but he wasn't hungry. I carried him to the litter box, where he peed, then I carried him back to bed. He kept mewling as if he couldn't get comfortable but I fell back asleep. Around five I woke up and he was crying terribly, he had defecated all over himself and me. I lifted him to the ground and he just laid there, staring up at me and crying.
I rushed him to the ER vet on Fifth and Fifteenth. They admitted him and discovered it was FIP, there's no cure. They said they could stabilize him for a few days but there was no way he would live out the week. They brought him to me and he couldn't move anything except his neck and head. He was crying so loudly and was in so much pain because his kidneys were so swollen. I held him and kept my cheek on his until they administered the injection.
It was instant, but gentle.
I only knew you for eleven days little one, but that was enough time to know your tiny beautiful soul. I hope we find each other again someday.

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